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Read The Scorched Earth (The Chaos Born)

The Scorched Earth (The Chaos Born)

Online Book

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Random House Publishing Group

The Scorched Earth (The Chaos Born) - Plot & Excerpts

She knew the smell of burning flesh well: tonight the Purge had truly begun.
A small company of Lord Carthin’s soldiers marched out to meet her and the eight armed Inquisitors who traveled at her side; an honor guard to escort her into the central courtyard. There, three large bonfires were still burning, sending flames high into the night sky. Yasmin didn’t need her Sight to pierce the veil of smoke and darkness to know the figures lashed to the stakes at the center of each blaze had already perished; the lack of screams told her that.
Lord Carthin stood imperiously off to the side, witnessing the proceedings in his official capacity as Justice of the Order. Normally the role of judging the unworthy would be reserved for Yasmin’s Inquisitors, but their ranks had dwindled, forcing her to invoke a long-forgotten custom of granting divine authority to carefully chosen secular followers. The new title further strengthened Carthin’s loyalty, and he seemed to enjoy the work.
We need his wealth, political influence, and soldiers.

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