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Read Chaos Unleashed

Chaos Unleashed

Online Book

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Random House Publishing Group

Chaos Unleashed - Plot & Excerpts

As leader of the Regent Council, he spoke to her almost every day, but the meetings were always at his request. This was the first time since they’d returned from the East that she had asked him to come to her.
Maybe she’s starting to feel like her old self. Maybe she’s thinking about retaking her throne.
The Council had governed effectively enough in her stead, focusing mostly on rebuilding Ferlhame, ensuring food supplies were available, and restoring the patrols guarding the borders of the North Forest. But though the Council could manage the day-to-day affairs of the kingdom, it couldn’t inspire the Danaan people. Not the way a single strong, confident ruler could.
The royal line is part of who we are. We need our Queen.
The appearance of the Blood Moon had only made things worse; it was generally seen as an ill omen. There were persistent rumors in the city that the Queen was dying—or that she was already dead. The Council had issued an official proclamation attesting to her health and insisting she would soon resume her monarchial duties, but Andar knew only a public appearance by Rianna herself would end the speculation.

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