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Read Taking The Score

Taking the Score

Online Book

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Taking The Score - Plot & Excerpts

Kane was pissed. Understandably so; she had blindsided him, after all. She’d never seen him angry before, and it was…hot. She needed no more reasons to be attracted to him, yet here he was serving up more of the sexy.
    His hair dipped over those sex-nerd glasses that always made her weak-kneed. His mouth was set in a straight line, no humor, no give, yet she suspected a kiss might soften it. And make him hard elsewhere.
    Or harder.
    She’d felt his arousal against her dampening sex as she’d writhed all over him out in the VIP lounge. A purely biological reaction, of course, just bodies rubbing against bodies, because there was nothing sexy about what had occurred. Yet faced with the most humiliating situation of her life, she had still managed to get turned on.
    Because that’s your default setting, Ems. A bad girl who just needs the right set of circumstances to revert to no good.
    “We have to make this look like a regular customer/client interaction.”

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