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Read Texas Rose Forever (Texas Rose Ranch #1)

Texas Rose Forever (Texas Rose Ranch #1)

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Texas Rose Forever (Texas Rose Ranch #1) - Plot & Excerpts

The sex break they’d taken an hour or so ago had been incredible. She still wasn’t wearing any underpants, so keeping his mind on the massive amount of busywork that went with running the cattle portion of the Texas Rose was impossible. Maybe it was time to hire an assistant.
Who was this Phillip and how could he find out the asshole’s last name? He’d taken everything from CanDee and there had to be something that Cinco could do to help her. She’d lived in her car. The thought made him physically ill. She’d been alone and homeless and probably scared. Acid rolled around in his stomach. It felt like he’d eaten a gallon of extra-spicy chili.
All because of Phillip.
Cinco’s hands fisted at his sides and more than anything he wanted to beat the shit out of her ex. What kind of self-centered asshole treated a woman—especially one as funny and kind and intelligent and beautiful as CanDee—or anyone—that way? Since Cinco had no idea what Phillip looked like, he imagined that he was some weasel-faced, pansy-assed, weak-chinned motherfucker with soft hands and zero testosterone.

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