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Lena Nelson Dooley books

Lena Nelson Dooley
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Read Books by Lena Nelson Dooley


Maggie's Journey (2011)

I was drawn into the story by the wonderful prologue, but ended up quite disappointed in the remainder of the story. I had a difficult time getting past the self loathing of Maggie and her mother in the early phases of the story and it seemed to drag out afterwards. The story itself is a good one...

Maggie's Journey (2011) by Lena Nelson Dooley

Love Finds You in Golden New Mexico (2010)

This was a sweet story. it drew me in from the beginning.I dealt with a little heartbreak during the story right alongside Madeline Mercer, the main character. When her world flipped over, my angst, fueled from righteous indignation, ignited. As even more misunderstandings led to prejudicial judg...

Love Finds You in Golden New Mexico (2010) by Lena Nelson Dooley

Pirate's Prize (2005)

Angelina de la Fuente Delgado, the pampered daughter of a wealthy merchant, is on her way home from a trip to Spain when her ship is attacked by pirates. The brigands capture her and her aunt and steal all the merchandise on the ship. After forcing most of the crew to walk the plank, they sink th...

Pirate's Prize (2005) by Lena Nelson Dooley

Double Deception (2004)

Since her mother died, Rissa's stepfather, Pierre Le Blanc, has been her guardian. She hates the life they lead - always traveling from one place to the other - and longs for a way to escape. She has no hope - until they arrive in Litchfield, Minnesota. Lowell and Ollie Jenson are brothers as wel...

Double Deception (2004) by Lena Nelson Dooley

His Brother's Castoff (2004)

Anna Jensen's love isn't enough. After all, with one former beau married and another dead, Anna knows there must be something wrong with her. August Nilsson is consumed with envy for his older brother. Gustaf has everything August has ever wanted - a wife, a child, and a home. And before it all,...

His Brother's Castoff (2004) by Lena Nelson Dooley

A Daughter's Quest

A branch from a nearby bush worked fine on the front and sides, but she couldn’t reach the middle of her back. She must look a sight with most of her clothing freshened and a streak running down one side. She’d make a pretty good skunk, wouldn’t she? That thought introduced the idea that these wo...

A Daughter's Quest by Lena Nelson Dooley

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