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Read A Daughter's Quest

A Daughter's Quest

Online Book

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Thorndike Press

A Daughter's Quest - Plot & Excerpts

A branch from a nearby bush worked fine on the front and sides, but she couldn’t reach the middle of her back. She must look a sight with most of her clothing freshened and a streak running down one side. She’d make a pretty good skunk, wouldn’t she?
That thought introduced the idea that these woods could contain one of those notoriously malodorous creatures. Hadn’t she heard somewhere that they were nocturnal animals? Hopefully, any that lived near here were. Being on the receiving end of a spray from one of the black-and-white-striped animals would completely ruin the day.
What about her problem with her clothing? Constance walked over to a sturdy tree and rubbed against it with her back. Maybe that would help some.
Since she had done everything she could to clean off her dress, she knelt beside the clear pool. She had been so preoccupied when she was here earlier that she hadn’t noticed the abundance of smooth pebbles that lined the bottom. Varying shades of browns, black, and white—some with shiny specks—formed a beautiful mosaic created by nature.

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