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Pirate's Prize (2005)

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1593106092 (ISBN13: 9781593106096)
barbour publishing

Pirate's Prize (2005) - Plot & Excerpts

Angelina de la Fuente Delgado, the pampered daughter of a wealthy merchant, is on her way home from a trip to Spain when her ship is attacked by pirates. The brigands capture her and her aunt and steal all the merchandise on the ship. After forcing most of the crew to walk the plank, they sink the vessel into the Atlantic. Brian O'Doule, who is secretly in love with Angelina, is also kidnapped by the pirates. Driven by feelings of guilt for not preventing the disaster, he does everything in his power to protect the women and to find a way for them all to escape. Will Angelina ever see her home and her beloved father again? Or will she be forced to marry the fierce pirate captain, Etienne Badeau? Fall in love with this inspiring love story and our entire collection of Christian romance novels from Heartsong Presents!

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