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Read His Brother's Castoff (2004)

His Brother's Castoff (2004)

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1593100787 (ISBN13: 9781593100780)
heartstong presents

His Brother's Castoff (2004) - Plot & Excerpts

Anna Jensen's love isn't enough. After all, with one former beau married and another dead, Anna knows there must be something wrong with her.
August Nilsson is consumed with envy for his older brother. Gustaf has everything August has ever wanted - a wife, a child, and a home. And before it all, Gustaf had courted Anna - the same woman who captured August's heart upon his arrival in Minnesota.
Will these two allow the Lord to speak truth into their hearts? Will August be able to overcome his feelings of inferiority to Gustaf? Will Anna ever see herself through Augusts eyes, instead of believing herself to be merely his brothers castoff?
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