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Lisa De Jong books

Lisa De Jong
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Books: 9 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.02

Read Books by Lisa De Jong


When It Rains (2000)

Well, well, well. Who knew? My taste has matured. When I was 15 I would have lapped this book up. Back then I was a mills and boon freak. I would borrow dozens of them from the library and read them as quickly as I could. Now books like this give me no satisfaction. The plot is so slow and boring...

When It Rains (2000) by Lisa De Jong

Plastic Hearts (2000)

I only gave this book 3 stars because I found the main character extremely annoying. She went back and forth so many times with her thoughts and feelings it was hard to keep straight. **Spoiler Alert** She hates not having a connection with her current boyfriend so they break up, then finds the c...

Plastic Hearts (2000) by Lisa De Jong

Glass Hearts (2013)

This book was all over the place with love & emotions. The strength & trust you need to make a relationship last. Alex & Dane found all the strength they needed but will have to continue to work at it. As a side note, I loved their story but I kinda felt that everything was rushed at the end. I k...

Glass Hearts (2013) by Lisa De Jong

Changing Forever (2000)

3.5 stars!! I had high expectations for this one being as I totally loved When It Rains but this one is not the same style of read at all. The banter between Emery and Drake was hilarious. They say opposites attract and that is certainly the case for these two. Emery takes no crap, not even from ...

Changing Forever (2000) by Lisa De Jong

Living with Regret (2000)

Wow I had no idea how this book was going to go about within this group of friends, I was stunned. Rachel is brave, strong, resilient, sweet and loving. But I think I might be in love with Sam Shea I had read a lot of reviews before reading this series and know everyone else is in love with hi...

Living with Regret (2000) by Lisa De Jong

Lies Unspoken (2000)

This book!! Holy cannoli. This is my first book by Lisa, however it will NOT be my last. I really loved Lila. She's a no nonsense girl. I Lurve Blake. Holy wow. He's got issues though. A friend loaned this to me. I just messaged her this: "I swear if you don't tell me right now there's another bo...

Lies Unspoken (2000) by Lisa De Jong

Bent not Broken

My breathing is fast and ragged because I’m pissed off that he keeps putting his job before me. I understand that he’s still new and he’s learning, but he picks up every extra shift that he can. This is exactly what my dad did while I was growing up, although he did it as a way of burying his fee...

Bent not Broken by Lisa De Jong

After the Rain

Anger radiates through my veins. I’ve wanted to beat Drew’s ass into the ground since Kate told me what he did to her, but the only thing that held me back is that I didn’t want to dredge up old memories for her.     And what the fuck is he doing here? At this party?  &nb...

After the Rain by Lisa De Jong

Rain 01 When It Rains

He honks a couple times before I open the front door and wave my hand at him to let him know I need five more minutes.     He jumps out of his truck and runs up to my front door, causing my heart to race. “Can I wait inside?” he asks.     My mind starts to ...

Rain 01 When It Rains by Lisa De Jong

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