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Read Lies Unspoken (2000)

Lies Unspoken (2000)

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Lies Unspoken (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

This book!! Holy cannoli. This is my first book by Lisa, however it will NOT be my last. I really loved Lila. She's a no nonsense girl. I Lurve Blake. Holy wow. He's got issues though. A friend loaned this to me. I just messaged her this: "I swear if you don't tell me right now there's another book following lies unspoken things are going to get really really freaking ugly."Little did I know that if I had clicked my page one more time I'd know the answer. March cannot get here soon enough. This will definitely be pre ordered. Read this one in one sitting, another quick and easy read! However, if you are not into angst, keep moving as this one is off the charts!Weeks before marrying her high school sweetheart, Derek, Lilah is blindsided to learn he is no longer "in love with her". Deciding she can no longer stay in the small town that reminds her of him constantly, she boards a plane and heads to Chicago where she will sublet her college BFF's apartment who is doing post grad work abroad. Things look up almost immediately as she is seated on the flight next to uber handsome and successful architect, Pierce Stanley. After quick conversation during the flight they exchange contact information when Pierce learns Lilah is an aspiring interior designer. Pierce nudges her gently to consider an apprentice position with his firm. However, when Lilah discovers that the apartment is occupied by her bff's brother, Blake, aka the worst roommate ever, she decides her dreams go second to making enough money ASAP to afford her own place. As sparks begin to fly between she and Blake, Pierce makes a bigger push to bring Lilah into his company. Things really get tense when she and Blake decide to become friends w benefits. Only Lilah soon discovers she isn't able to leave her heart out of it. Sorry, there is no way I can keep this part of my review short-this book is just too hard for me to decide if I liked it or loved it. Angst factor was 5+ stars, just simply one of the best I have read so far. However, the title is a misnomer as I didn't see anyone lying. Lots of omissions, but these relationships were complicated and very new. I guess it's a little suspect how Pierce and Blake are tied together and her meeting them both. But again, I didn't see any sinister foreshadowing in that side story. Also, it made it seem in the blurb like it would be a love triangle and while that was attempted it never really came to fruition. It did force a couple issues, but there wasn't much "angst" in it. Lilah knew who she wanted and kept with that one. However, I guess maybe that will develop on the follow up book?The plot line was at times a 3 for me, not original, but in no way boring. The story was well paced and the author gets a 5 for knowing when the back and forth was enough. The ending of this first book was a 3 for me, it felt a little forced and Blake's reactions over the top. Overall though I was skimming ahead some-not because I was bored, but because I couldn't wait to find out what happened next!It does end on a cliffhanger, of sorts, and book two is scheduled for March release? But that aside, I see no reason to wait to read it if you are interested. It will not require a reread for book two and the end isn't going to leave you on edge either.

What do You think about Lies Unspoken (2000)?

6 stars at least. OMG what a fantastic mix of steam, angst and romance. Can not wait for #2.

Very intense and very amazing - Can't wait to read Love Unspoken in March! :)

Fantastic book! loved it and can't wait for the next one!

Loved it! I cannot wait for book 2!!!


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