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Read Bent Not Broken

Bent not Broken

Online Book

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Bent Not Broken - Plot & Excerpts

My breathing is fast and ragged because I’m pissed off that he keeps putting his job before me. I understand that he’s still new and he’s learning, but he picks up every extra shift that he can. This is exactly what my dad did while I was growing up, although he did it as a way of burying his feelings and keeping himself busy after my mom died. My insecurities are telling me Gabe would rather be at work than spend time with me.Running down Main Street past the little Italian restaurant we went to, I plan to run another mile down to Washington Park. This park holds many fond memories for me, and it’s absolutely beautiful this time of year. There is a small creek that winds through the park with a paved running path that follows the banks of the creek. I turn up the volume on my iPhone music just slightly as I let the burn of my lungs wash away the anger that I had when Gabe left me at the house.Running faster than I normally do, I push myself harder so that I can get a good workout, but also, to get home quickly.

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