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Read Glass Hearts (2013)

Glass Hearts (2013)

Online Book

4.11 of 5 Votes: 3
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Lisa De Jong

Glass Hearts (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

This book was all over the place with love & emotions. The strength & trust you need to make a relationship last. Alex & Dane found all the strength they needed but will have to continue to work at it. As a side note, I loved their story but I kinda felt that everything was rushed at the end. I know all books don't end with a strong 'happily ever after' but it felt like some of the details were cut short. I was hoping to get a book 3 but I haven't seen anything. So I'll keep my fingers crossed that in Jade & Gwen's stories I can hear more. "I realized what true happiness really is. It’s about being who you want to be, and surrounding yourself with people who love you while you’re doing it. It’s about accepting all your flaws and weaknesses and doing the same for the person you love."I thought I just lost my breath. Someone help me please. The moment I started reading, I was a little bit surprised when the POV change every chapter, I didn't expect it, in my opinion it would be better with only Dane POV so I'm kinda disappointed. But the further I read, I know why Lisa De Jong chose a different writing style from the previous book. I see that the plot needs two POVs. I'm not gonna talk about the story, it's similar like the previous one but since Dane and Alex are officially back together, things get more complicated but God, this book is awesome, breathtaking, mesmerizing, the kind of book that made you melt at the love scene and tear you apart at the sad scene. As I getting closer to the end, I guess Alex and Dane will get married. As I read the epilogue I say to myself, "Okay. Here it comes. Brace your feelings. The feels are coming." And it happened. God, I'm so glad the ending is satisfying. The proposal scene is not cliche and so romantic. I thought I really stop breathing at that time. Great great job Lisa De Jong. Looking forward for your next work :)

What do You think about Glass Hearts (2013)?

Amazing follow up to Plastic Hearts, I loved that the story was told in both Alex and Dane's POV.

This one got slow for me. I still enjoy the characters and the author but felt it dragged on.

3.5. Liked this much better than the first one.

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