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Read Changing Forever (2000)

Changing Forever (2000)

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Changing Forever (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

3.5 stars!! I had high expectations for this one being as I totally loved When It Rains but this one is not the same style of read at all. The banter between Emery and Drake was hilarious. They say opposites attract and that is certainly the case for these two. Emery takes no crap, not even from Drake Chambers "the quarter back" who is used to not having to work for female attention. He is not your usual jock though, he doesn't have a revolving door but he has also never loved. He is knocked on his ass when he meets Emery though. Not his usual type, studious and reserved but there is something about her that has him totally captivated and the fact that she gives as good as she gets just spurs him on all the more. The fact that these two embark on friendship first was a great story builder and only enhances your connection to these two characters. My one reservation was the last quarter of the book, the way the story line went was a tad predictable and just spoilt the story for me a little. On the whole though a good read. Story begins with Emery wanting to get away from the small town life she grew up in.Emery finally gets out of the small town when she decides to go away to college. On her first day on campus she decides to go scouting and bumps into a gorgeous guy. Already she is acting insecure about her appearance when she takes in his six pack abs. She jumps to conclusions about him without knowing anything about him. She already has him labeled "a player". Emery quickly dismisses him without giving him her name. She plans on avoiding guys. She does not want to get close to anyone.The stories told from both Drakes and Emerys POV.The banter between them is funny and interesting.All the talk about classes, football, clothes, and the weather is getting boring. Drakes character is arrogant, confident, and demanding. Drake has a lot of responsibility placed on his shoulders. Emery places a lot of pressure on herself to study and get good grades.The progression between Drake and Emery is becoming frustrating. It's too slow. I'm tired of Drake pulling away and drawing her in. Drake needs to confront his issues and let his guard down."She's so controlled and I'm crumbling a little more every time I'm with her", this is an amazing quote from the story.Lisa writes beautiful stories. This one is well written. She writes some past references about Drake and Emery which help you understand why they push away from people."I'm not trying to be someone I'm not or anyone someone else wants me to be", I like this comment from the story. It speaks volumes about the kind of pressure Drake has had to endure."We aim to be something we never have", this is a great statement because it shows how both their parents had a huge impact on the way there lives turned out. Our parents mold their children's future whether they are present or not and it's what you do with that information that molds each one of us.I got chills when Emery finally tells Drake the truth at the carnival.Where is Beau when you need him? Drake is going to need his advice again.Not a fan of the Ping pong game that Drake plays with Emery. He needs to get his act together.Should be titled, I'm not perfect"' Drake says this one too many times in the story.Emery has always had control of her future. Then she met Drake and all that control changed. Emery the smart girl was using her heart instead of her brain and that changed her future. Some mistakes are good mistakes and learning to adapt to those changes is better than building walls to keep you in your controlled environment. Their future plans changed when they met each other and that's ok because they are happy with the new future choices.

What do You think about Changing Forever (2000)?

It's good but too much cheesy for me and a lot of sex.woah hahaha but over all good story!

Love how this series characters from other books float in and out. Great read!

Nice story and I loved the characters. Go Hawks!

Good story, predictable but enjoyed the HEA.


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