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Read 33 The Return Of Bowie Bravo

33 The Return of Bowie Bravo

Online Book

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33 The Return Of Bowie Bravo - Plot & Excerpts

He joked with the owner and head waitress, Nadine Stout. And after Nadine brought their steaks and left them alone, he told his mom about the scary incident the night before.
    Chastity sighed. “Poor little guy. I hate it when they bleed. But it sounds to me like it all worked out in the end.”
    “He wanted me to take him to the clinic so Brett could stitch him up. Me, in particular.”
    “That’s good,” said his mom. “Real good.” She talked about her longtime boyfriend, Alyosha Panopopoulis, a good-natured guy who’d retired to the Flat and still worked as a handyman to bring in extra cash. She said she and Alyosha were getting along great. They liked each other—and no, she didn’t think they’d get married or anything. They both enjoyed their independence.
    He said, “You seem pretty happy, Ma.”
    “I am. I made a lot of mistakes and I regret every one of them.

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