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Read A Highland Heist A Contemporary Highland Romance Book Three (2013)

A Highland Heist A Contemporary Highland Romance Book Three (2013)

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Cali MacKay

A Highland Heist A Contemporary Highland Romance Book Three (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

Of course, Liam was none too happy about the plan, since they’d be taking a risk by straying from what the Flahertys wanted.Maggie put her hand up to stop Liam’s rant. “It’s our best option. Would ye just hear us out?”Glaring at them, Liam shifted his gaze and his anger between her and Conall. “If anything happens to Aidan, it’s on your heads.”Her own anger flared, her hands clenching into fists as she took a step forward. “Not on our heads, Liam, but Flaherty’s. Do ye hear me? This is no one’s fault but theirs. And this is a far safer bet for getting Aidan back in one piece. The chances of us successfully stealing the Hope were never good. At least this way, we can find him-get him home safe.”“I can help track him down.” Conall leaned against his kitchen counter, his long legs crossed at the ankle. “Even if his captors are using burner phones to make any phone calls when they’re with Aidan, they’ll likely still have their normal cell phones on them. That’ll allow us to track their movements, which should help us figure out where they’re keeping him.”Liam shook his head, his jaw clenched as he paced the kitchen, Piper nearly tripping him up on every other lap.

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