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Read A Perfect Proposal

A Perfect Proposal

Online Book

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Cornerstone Digital

A Perfect Proposal - Plot & Excerpts

Fortunately, she had a good selection of necklaces and Sophie selected three, one of which had a pair of matching earrings that Sophie also borrowed. One of the pieces had a fall of stones that drew discreet attention to her cleavage and, while only a hint of it was on show, it was a good look. Spraying on Milly’s perfume added a final squirt of confidence. Putting her shoulders back and having a smile ready to produce at any moment finished off her preparations. Mixing with New York’s high society was very hard work.
    As Sophie wasn’t sure how long it took to get anywhere in New York, getting a cab made her early. Had she not been wearing Milly’s heels, she’d have walked up and down a bit so as not to arrive before her date, but she could only walk for very short distances before burning pain in the balls of her feet made her need to stop.
    Several young men dressed in Armani suits were hovering round the entrance. Bouncers or doormen?

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