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Read A Secret In Conard County (2015)

A Secret in Conard County (2015)

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A Secret In Conard County (2015) - Plot & Excerpts

In theory, since the bomber didn’t know exactly where Erin was, they had maybe another day. In theory.
    Erin still needed to call Fran, and it was amazing how reluctant she was to pull out her cell phone and do just that. She wasn’t typically one to avoid things that were part of her job, although she’d apparently developed plenty of interpersonal avoidance problems over the years.
    But Fran... Fran had been the first real friend she’d had, the woman she had been able to be open with about nearly everything. Fran knew the story of her childhood, had maybe even figured out how Erin had become so closed up, which was more than Paul had done.
    Now this.
    She had to face it. If it was Fran, they needed to know. The bomber clearly had an accomplice, someone who had found him yet failed to report his identity. That person needed to be brought to justice every bit as much as the bomber.
    “It’s my job, damn it.”

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