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Read All The Wrong Moves

All the Wrong Moves

Online Book

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All The Wrong Moves - Plot & Excerpts

A perky blond reporter holding a microphone in front of her face morphed into view.“. . . in the death of Patrick James Hooker, the American mercenary accused of selling stolen arms to drug lords. Three U.S. Marines and six Colombian paramilitary officers died in an ambush when those arms were turned against them. Special Agent Paul Donati from the FBI’s El Paso field office provided the details.”The camera zoomed to a phalanx of uniformed law enforcement types and plainclothes officials standing on the steps of the federal courthouse. Front and center was the trim, wavy-haired FBI agent I’d met in the back room at Pancho’s.A very familiar Border Patrol agent was next to him. Jeff Mitchell stood at a loose parade rest, his arms clasped behind him and his face unreadable as Donati spoke into a bank of microphones.“Working from a list of personnel who’d either been stationed with or were friends of the three marines who died in Colombia, FBI agents across the country conducted a series of interviews.”So Dan-O or his boss had come through with the names Mitch requested.

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