THEY HAD EVERYONE RUN FOR the hills the moment a forkful of pasta was spotted. Look at them all, slurping up those long strands of fettuccine (a.k.a. pure evil), dripping with sauce, washing it down with wine ... surely if you’re enjoying life, there has got to be a price to pay! And so they took to their ThighMasters, cursing the carb eaters and weeping into their Atkins bars. What is complex about a carbohydrate? At its most basic, a carbohydrate is fuel for our body. All carbs end up as glucose, but in nutrition, as in life (or on road trips to see your best friend’s cousin’s band in faraway Canadian cities), sometimes the journey is more important than the destination. Complex carbohydrates take longer for our body to digest, keep us full longer, and don’t cause our blood sugar to spike. Unlike simple carbohydrates (such as sugar and white bread), complex carbohydrates have fiber and other nutrients that are important to maintain weight and to keep us healthy.
What do You think about Appetite For Reduction (2010)?