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Read Atlantis Reprise (Altered States, #2) (2005)

Atlantis Reprise (Altered States, #2) (2005)

Online Book

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0373625820 (ISBN13: 9780373625826)
gold eagle

Atlantis Reprise (Altered States, #2) (2005) - Plot & Excerpts

After the dust settles from the Great Rebellion, Owen Deathstalker and Hazel D'Arc find themselves working as bounty hunters for the tentative new democratic government, chasing down war criminals from the old emperor, while still struggling with the nature of their mysterious powers derived from the enigmatic Madness Maze. Their mission is to capture the most notorious villain of all, the grinning psychopath Valentine Wolf. The Wolf has taken hold of Owen's home world Virimond, turning what was once a pastoral farm planet into a horror that only Valentine's twisted mind could conceive. The Deathstalker has bloody revenge in mind, but his flamboyantly insane adversary eagerly awaits Owen's arrival, for Valentine has planned a very nasty welcome indeed.

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