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Read Awaken To Danger (2006)

Awaken to Danger (2006)

Online Book

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0373274718 (ISBN13: 9780373274710)
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Awaken To Danger (2006) - Plot & Excerpts

I started reading this series last year and found it to be quite dated, lots of home-makers with brave military men. Even when that wasn't their role it had that vibe. So I stopped reading them.But I decided to give the next book, this one, a try. And I didn't have the same issues.Nikki is a teacher, seven months ago she had a night with Carson but he left the next morning and never called her. Carson is 12 years older, her father's superior officer, and an alcoholic. His night with Nikki was a low point, waking naked in bed with a beautiful girl who he knows is off-limits and no recollection of what happened - awkward!Then Nikki wakes up in bed with the dead body of her ex-boyfriend on the floor - and no recollection of what happened. Nikki is clearly a suspect, but then accidents start happening and she is in danger.Whilst looking after Nikki Carson becomes her friend but soon they both realise that they still have feelings for each other.As usual Carson thinks he knows best but unlike most heroines Nikki calls him on his attitude.The suspense is mild, the romance is PG but it was a nice read and it has made me more likely to read the rest of the series.

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