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Read The Cinderella Mission (2003)

The Cinderella Mission (2003)

Online Book

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0373272723 (ISBN13: 9780373272723)

The Cinderella Mission (2003) - Plot & Excerpts

AGENT: Ethan Williams
MISSON: Intercept international jewel thieves with information on the whereabouts of a missing agent.
DEEPEST SECRET: He's spent his life searching for his parents' killers, but the answers he seeks are closer than he thinks....

Millionaire Ethan Williams risks death daily to save innocent lives. And they don't come more innocent than Kelly Taylor, his longtime friend and new partner. Ethan has doubts about her until he watches Kelly, the sweet girl next door, transform herself into a seductive siren capable of conquering any man she wants--and she wants Ethan.

But this mission means more than finding a missing agent. In a dangerous gamble Ethan must choose: Would he rather fulfill his need to know his past, or protect Kelly, the woman who could be his future?

FAMILY SECRETS: No one is who they seem.

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