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Read Fully Engaged (Wingmen Warriors, #12) (2006)

Fully Engaged (Wingmen Warriors, #12) (2006)

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0373275102 (ISBN13: 9780373275106)

Fully Engaged (Wingmen Warriors, #12) (2006) - Plot & Excerpts

They'd shared one wild weekend of passion, then she'd left without a word. Five years later, Nola Seabrook tracked down Captain Rick DeMassi to apologize for her hasty departure, not realizing this fresh encounter would lead to Rick moving in with her... as her bodyguard. Playing protector to his ex-lover had not been Rick's plan. But disturbing letters and a nearly fatal car bomb soon had him jumping into action.He fully intended to protect Nola with his life, find out why she'd been so quick to leave his bed... and do "whatever" was necessary to get her back in it.

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