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Catherine Mann books

Catherine Mann

Read Books by Catherine Mann


Joint Forces (Wingmen Warriors, #7) (2004)

After being held prisoner, Senior Master Sergeant J.T. "Tag" Price returned home to find his marriage nearly dissolved. Then his wife, Rena, dropped a bomb of her own: she was pregnant. After more than twenty years of marriage they were expecting a new baby...and J.T. realized his second chance h...

Joint Forces (Wingmen Warriors, #7) (2004) by Catherine Mann

Blaze of Glory (2006)

"A brand-new, heart-pounding tale featuring Catherine Mann's heroic Special Ops unit." Air Force captain Bobby "Postal" Ruznick wouldn't consider working a job that didn't occasionally scare him to death. But nothing gets under his skin like sexy profiler Dr. Grace Marie Lanier. Not that Dr. Upti...

Blaze of Glory (2006) by Catherine Mann

Anything, Anywhere, Anytime (2004)

With one week to complete a top-secret mission, Major Jack Korba did not need emotional distractions. But that's exactly what he got when flight surgeon Monica Hyatt was added to his team!

Anything, Anywhere, Anytime (2004) by Catherine Mann

Awaken to Danger (2006)

I started reading this series last year and found it to be quite dated, lots of home-makers with brave military men. Even when that wasn't their role it had that vibe. So I stopped reading them.But I decided to give the next book, this one, a try. And I didn't have the same issues.Nikki is a teac...

Awaken to Danger (2006) by Catherine Mann

The Cinderella Mission (2003)

AGENT: Ethan Williams MISSON: Intercept international jewel thieves with information on the whereabouts of a missing agent. DEEPEST SECRET: He's spent his life searching for his parents' killers, but the answers he seeks are closer than he thinks.... Millionaire Ethan Williams risks death daily ...

The Cinderella Mission (2003) by Catherine Mann

Explosive Alliance (Wingmen Warriors, #9) (2005)

He'd come to seek out a woman. But Captain Bo Rokowsky had no intention of adding Paige Haugen to his list of conquests. Her eyes had tormented him for months, because he felt responsible for her husband's death, and Bo had to be certain she and her little girl were safe, secure. So when ghosts o...

Explosive Alliance (Wingmen Warriors, #9) (2005) by Catherine Mann

Fully Engaged (Wingmen Warriors, #12) (2006)

They'd shared one wild weekend of passion, then she'd left without a word. Five years later, Nola Seabrook tracked down Captain Rick DeMassi to apologize for her hasty departure, not realizing this fresh encounter would lead to Rick moving in with her... as her bodyguard. Playing protector to his...

Fully Engaged (Wingmen Warriors, #12) (2006) by Catherine Mann

His Heir, Her Honor (2011)

Carlos looked from one woman to the other. How much had Lilah said before he interrupted? Apparently not much since Nancy appeared blessedly oblivious. She was a nice person he’d gone out with a couple of times in hopes of erasing Lilah from his memory. Nancy was everything he wanted in his perso...

His Heir, Her Honor (2011) by Catherine Mann


She wasn’t prepared for this. She’d always thought ramblings of broken hearts and wounded souls were mere melodrama. Now, she changed her mind. She didn’t want to be honorable and keep him safe. She wanted Chuck. The ache was too deep for tears. Hitching her purse onto her shoulder, she followed ...

Protector by Catherine Mann

An Inconvenient Affair (2012)

Could life suck any worse? Probably. Since he was only fifteen, he had years under the system’s thumb to find out.     Hanging around in the doorway to the barracks, Troy Donavan scanned the room for his rack. The dozen bunk beds were half-full of guys with heads shaved as buz...

An Inconvenient Affair (2012) by Catherine Mann

Joint Forces

Circling around to the front, he extended his hand for a shake. "You've always got a job here if you change your mind. I appreciate a hard worker." Chris tried not to let his exhale of relief be too obvious. He shook hands, firm, the way his dad had taught him. "Thank you, sir." "But I'll need yo...

Joint Forces by Catherine Mann

Cover Me

Chapter 16 Hot springs bubbling around her, Sunny straddled Wade’s lap as he sat on a submerged rock step. Only their shoulders and faces peeked above the lapping water. The springs refilled from the geyser in the middle, heated naturally from the mountain’s volcanic core. The ultimate place to m...

Cover Me by Catherine Mann

The Tycoon Takes a Wife (2010)

Just Jonah, with her, both of them hopefully naked very, very soon. She wrapped her arms around his neck and flattened herself to him. He stumbled back a step and nearly slammed into the kitchen counter. “Whoa.” He gripped her hips, steadying them both so they didn’t knock off the remaining groce...

The Tycoon Takes a Wife (2010) by Catherine Mann

One Good Cowboy (2014)

A barn perched on a hill behind the Donavan’s main home had been converted into a guesthouse with soaring ceilings. One side had been removed and replaced with glass windows.     Tonight, she and Stone would sleep under the same roof together for the first time in seven months...

One Good Cowboy (2014) by Catherine Mann

Pregnant by the Cowboy CEO (2015)

The evening in the park had been amazing, romantic, fun. Everything a first real date should be. And surprisingly, he hadn’t made a move on her other than sliding his arm around her, being a gentleman but undeniably interested in her. She hadn’t felt so mellow and happy in...she couldn’t remember...

Pregnant by the Cowboy CEO (2015) by Catherine Mann


But work didn’t disappear, even on weekends. She reclined on the beach lounger with a legal pad, brainstorming a list of questions for cross-exam on Monday, while David swung a golf club, hitting practice balls along the shore. On her other side, the children played tag football with Madison and ...

Guardian by Catherine Mann

Honorable Intentions (2012)

Her flesh was on fire from months, years of wanting Hank.     And here in her dream world she could have him.     They could make love under a sprawling oak tree with twinkling lights that echoed the sparks of desire crackling through her. She could almost ...

Honorable Intentions (2012) by Catherine Mann

Under Seige

Not that she could actually see him in his rear-facing infant seat. But every now and again, a spindly arm or leg flailed reassurance. A Mickey Mouse diaper bag perched beside her where once a portfolio full of architectural designs for her playhouses would have rested. The bag looked good there....

Under Seige by Catherine Mann

Microsoft Word - catherine mann - landis brothers 4 - rich man's fake fiancee.docx

Having him walk out on her before daylight. Ashley Carson tensed under her down comforter. Through the veil of her eyelashes, she watched her new lover quietly zip his custom-fit pants. She’d taken a bold step—unusual for her—by falling into bed with Matthew Landis the night before. Her still-tin...

Microsoft Word - catherine mann - landis brothers 4 - rich man's fake fiancee.docx by Catherine Mann

dark ops 3 - Renegade

Mason’s voice bounced around the tiled bathroom walls. Damn. Shivering, Jill tucked herself deeper into the corner of the shower behind the half-drawn curtain. She scrubbed her wrist across her eyes and scrambled to regain control before she faced Mason. God, she didn’t want him to see her like t...

dark ops 3 - Renegade by Catherine Mann


The receiver rattled to rest beside soda cans and a used condom.He ducked back into a shadowy alley beside the crappy corner market run by a snarky old bitch who stroked her Louisville Slugger anytime he walked through the door. He normally wouldn’t come near this store at all anymore, but he cou...

Hotshot by Catherine Mann

The Wedding Audition

God, she’d just kissed a man she barely knew. And while she wanted to act on all the desire screaming through her from that brief contact, shouldn’t she at least sleep on her grandmother’s advice for a little longer? She scraped back her chair, her dog jumping to his paws on full alert. “I guess ...

The Wedding Audition by Catherine Mann

Free Fall (2013)

The knife at her throat pressed an icy reminder of the need to hold very still. Her senses went on hyper-alert to the stench of her captor’s garlic breath, the stickiness of his sweat, the steely press of ammo strapped to his chest.     Focus, damn it. She was a trained profes...

Free Fall (2013) by Catherine Mann

Explosive Alliance

Playing the guitar—or the piano, drums, even some saxophone when the mood called— brought the world back into focus for him by paring everything down. Only notes at his command remained. Sprawling back on the lumpy sofa at the Minot AFB temporary lodging facility, he propped his tennis shoe again...

Explosive Alliance by Catherine Mann

Sheltered by the Millionaire

Whit Daltry adjusted his hold on the long-haired calico, an older female kitten that had wandered—scraggly and with no collar—onto the doorstep of his Pine Valley home. Luckily, he happened to know the very attractive director of Royal’s Safe Haven Animal Shelter.     He stepp...

Sheltered by the Millionaire by Catherine Mann

Pursued by the Rich Rancher (2015)

Good thing she lived in Texas. All the cowboys made it easy to resist falling for any man after her marriage combusted. And never had she been more neck deep in cowboys than today as she accompanied her son to the weeklong HorsePower Cowkid Camp.     Nina peeled the back off t...

Pursued by the Rich Rancher (2015) by Catherine Mann

The Maverick Prince

Antonio Medina declared his victory and raked in the chips, having bluffed with a simple high-card hand in Texas Hold’Em. Ignoring an incoming call on his iPhone, he stacked his winnings. He didn’t often have time for poker since his fishing charter company went global, but joining backroom games...

The Maverick Prince by Catherine Mann

Shelter Me

The night had been beyond horrible, but they were lucky. Very lucky.Her mother was home with her grandfather. He’d suffered a mild concussion from driving the Barge into a tree, totaling the car, but Lacey was terrified to let him out of her sight for even a minute. Mike had offered to feed all t...

Shelter Me by Catherine Mann

Fully Engaged

Who was Lauren?Wait. Nola stomped down the initial flash of jealousy she had no business feeling after knowing this man only a few days and thought through the snippets of conversation she couldn’t help but overhear. She forced her feet to keep on carrying her across the living room, through the ...

Fully Engaged by Catherine Mann

His Thirty-Day Fiancee

Kate washed down the bite of chocolate rum cake with sparkling water. She was hungrier than she’d realized, having skipped supper due to nerves over crashing the Medina party. Sipping from her crystal goblet, she opted for the Fuiggi water rather than the red wine. She needed to keep her mind cle...

His Thirty-Day Fiancee by Catherine Mann

Yuletide Baby Surprise

“Why did you order bodyguards without consulting me?”     He frowned. “Where did you think they’d come from?”     “My father.”     “I just did what he should have. I made sure to look after your safety,” he said smoothly, arrogantly. &nb...

Yuletide Baby Surprise by Catherine Mann

Hot Zone

“What the hell?”     The utility vehicle was nothing more than a blackened hull against the palm tree, also charred. The pyre had offered a beacon to locate the missing van even when communications from Oliver and Tandi ended.     And speaking of Oliver and...

Hot Zone by Catherine Mann


Antialcohol meds be damned, he had a buzz worthy of any frat rush.He braced a hand on the corridor wall, the evening at the Oasis rolling through his mind as fast as the floor undulated beneath his feet. When he left, Nunez had still been at the bar waiting around for some waitress. Not a bad gig...

Defender by Catherine Mann

All or Nothing

Her teeth chattered with fear for her husband. She’d barely had time to process Anthony’s confusing call before the alarm had blared. Conrad had hooked an arm around her waist, rushed her indoors and opened the panic room. He ushered her in and passed over a card with instructions for how to leav...

All or Nothing by Catherine Mann

Rescue Me (2014)

If only I knew the rules of the game.     —HOLLY SHIVERING, MARY HANNAH tugged her black knit hat over her ears as she walked down the steps to meet the Roberts family for a training session with Barkley. They’d called her from the front security gate. She watched as they drov...

Rescue Me (2014) by Catherine Mann

For the Sake of Their Son (2013)

First at the hands of his heavy-fisted father. Later as a Formula One race car driver who used his world travels to feed information to Interpol.     But he’d never expected to be kidnapped. Especially not in the middle of his best friend’s bachelor party.    &n...

For the Sake of Their Son (2013) by Catherine Mann

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