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Read Barefoot With A Bodyguard

Barefoot With a Bodyguard

Online Book

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South Street Publishing

Barefoot With A Bodyguard - Plot & Excerpts

A young woman stepped out from the linen-enclosed cabana and waved Kate and Alec closer. “You’re Tilly and Ben, right? What’s taking you two so long out here? Hailey and I were starting to think we heard an argument.”
    “My wife thinks she can teach me a thing or two,” Alec said quickly.
    The therapist’s eyebrows raised. “Is that so?”
    Damn it. Kate had to get in this game. She shook off the last argument and jumped into her role. “And my husband has never had a couples massage, so I was trying to explain what to expect.”
    “Expect the unexpected,” the woman said, making a grand gesture toward the opening of the cabana. “Expect to relax and fall even more in love than when you walked in here.”
    They shared a look that would have been funny except…it wasn’t.
    The cabana was cool, thanks to what looked like a special sun-blocking material on the top and privacy drapes all around.

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