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Read Before The Moon Rises (2000)

Before The Moon Rises (2000)

Online Book

3.69 of 5 Votes: 4
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Before The Moon Rises (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

I'm not going to say this book was terrible, because it wasn't, I just couldn't get into it. It's totally predictable. Big alpha werewolf falls in love with an unsuspecting human female then has to save the female's life from a rival alpha werewolf. There will be sex and near death experiences in which she finds out he's a werewolf, freaks out about it and then accepts him; they live happily ever after, the end. If it's different, then please let me know and I'll try to finish it. Otherwise, it's just like every other werewolf romance novel I've read. I absolutely loved this shorter story from start to finish. It has every element mystery, thriller, paranormal, romance, hot & sexy. It follows the story of Janet who gets pulled into a life of intrigue one full moon night shift in ER, a naked man shows up unconscious & another stranger roughly propositions her. She feels a pull & goes with it. It is so unlikely that a short story can promise & deliver as much as a full length story. Excellent execution, superb characters & sub-characters, strong connections between main love interests & I was super impressed.

What do You think about Before The Moon Rises (2000)?

Too short and not entirely to my taste.

To short, yet not terrible.

short, but good :)

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