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Read Soul Mate (2000)

Soul Mate (2000)

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Reviewed by RobinEbook provided by publisherFrom the first page to the last this is a book that keeps you wanting to read to find the outcome. It holds all the key ingredients for a great story. You have everything from danger and suspense, to romance, with some steamy sex added in.For Kari Pierce, romance is just not something that comes easy when you have a secret that most men wouldn’t be able to understand let alone handle. But, from the first time she meets sexy FBI agent Nick Murdock her world gets turned upside down.Kari is on the hunt for an eight year old girl that was abducted. The best way to find the girl in the mountains is to shape shift into her wolf form. She is then able to track the young girl and her abductor.But nothing is easy. She tracks the girl and captures the girl only to have the man that abducted the girl escape.This is where the story takes a nice turn. Nick follows Kari as she goes for a hike. She is able to sneak up on him with no sound whatsoever, which intrigues him. They end up near a waterfall where the heat and chemistry that is between them takes off. Hot, animal lust takes over in the cave behind the waterfall.Kari and Nick end up tracking and capturing the escaped man, leaving Nick with questions that Kari just won’t answer.Thinking Nick wouldn’t understand about her being a werewolf, Kari leaves him and goes back to her world. With the help of his boss Nick finds the answers needed and goes after Kari.Ms. Bybee leaves you wanting more in the romantic quickie. A nice short read for a busy day. Dark Diva Reviews gives Soul Mate 5 Divas and top pick of October 2009.Merged review:5 Divas and Oct 09 Top Pick~When I first opened this book, I was carried away by the world that Ms. Bybee created. Even set in a contemporary time and setting, Kari’s character leaps off the page. Her need to do good far outweighs the inherent dangers and risks she takes. Kari is such a courageous woman, I found myself rooting for her as she hunted the bad guy while still trying to deal with a determined FBI agent. She reminded me of Catwoman or Electra, who tried to keep their hearts hidden, but still help out for the greater good.Nick has alpha male stamped all over him, and isn’t about to let a little thing like Kari keep him from finding out the truth. His rugged character and sheer tenacity had me on the edge of my seat. A demanding male who wouldn’t let Keri go had me breathless, not to mention the sparks that were flying between Kari and Nick were so hot I’m surprised my computer didn’t burst into flames. Ms. Bybee has a definite winner on her hands with Soulmate. I’m anxious to read more of this talented writer’s work. I give Soulmate Five Delightful Divas and my Top Pick for The Month of October.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 1/2 Tombstones from Bitten By BooksAfter becoming a werewolf, Kari Pearce lives a very lonely life. Fearful of rejection, she hides her “affliction” from everyone, even her sister, and she constantly guards her heart. However, she is able to accept and make the best of it. Her wolfish senses are magnified in comparison to normal humans, which help her become an exceptional private investigator. Thus, it is not surprising that she saves a child from an abductor and helps the police catch the perp.FBI agent Nick Murdock comes to the Sequoias due to the kidnapping case. When he sees Kari, she immediately touches his heart as no woman ever had before. She is an enigma to him, and being a good FBI agent, he plans to get to the bottom of it. After all, her secret is keeping them apart.For a novella, Soul Mate delivers a knock-out punch. The plot is well-thought out, and from the very first page, I was caught up in the story. Kari’s situation definitely touched my heart. She turns a bad experience into something she can use for good. Certainly a perfect heroine! And how can you not like Nick? His relentless pursuit of Kari makes him an ideal partner for her. I truly enjoyed this novella, and I am pretty sure you will, too.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 1/2 Book by the Long and Short Reviews *voted best book of the weekCatherine Bybee sets a fast pace in the opening sentence of this story and rarely slackens the pace. Her heroine, Kari Pierce, now a PI, has reason to remember the night of her parents’ murder and is living with the consequences still. Consequences she’s successfully hidden from the outside world as well as her sister.She resents the monthly cycle of ‘shifting’ but never ignores the call of someone in distress. And tonight is no exception, when she rescues a child from her kidnapper and guides her safely to the searching policemen.Nick Murdoch, FBI, likes what he sees when he spies Kari Pierce at the diner, but his instincts tell him she is not what she seems and he’s determined to discover her secret. The plot thickens when Kari, later, saves Nick from the kidnapper. How can anyone move with such unnatural stealth? Another mystery for Nick to unravel.Sparks fly between them, but Kari determines no man will be interested in her when they discover her secret. But she’s reckoned without Nick.Catherine has a wonderful sense of timing and her scenes and characters come alive beneath her ‘pen’, and her use of secondary characters helps to lay background information smoothly.This is an enjoyable read.

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Fun werewolf romance :)

Great short read

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