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Read Redeeming Vows (2000)

Redeeming Vows (2000)

Online Book

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1601548710 (ISBN13: 9781601548719)

Redeeming Vows (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

Are you ready for the amazing next instalment in this breathtaking time travelling trilogy? When I first picked up a Catherine Bybee book, I was instantly hooked. The mix of time travel, witches, magic, and the power of falling in love grabbed me instantly. When I learned that there was more than one story, that it was part of a trilogy, I had to have it. And long awaited, this is Liz and Finn's story.From book two, I knew that these two would have the most powerful story yet, and indeed they did. Do yourself a favor- pick up this book, in fact, pick up the entire trilogy. Clear your schedules for the next few days and get drawn in to the magic of travelling through time, finding your destiny, and fighting against a powerful witch that will stop at nothing to get her way. Redeeming Vows is enchanting, thrilling, the tension sizzles between Lizzie and Finn, and the book jumps with intense action. I suggest you not miss it! First of all, I wish to thank my Goodreads Friend Shirl for recommending this trilogy! Tara and her sister Lizzie are drawn back to the 16th century and the three stories of this trilogy follow their adventures and loves as they fight against evil. They are somehow drawn to 16th century Scotland from 21st century America. Their soul - mates are brawny Highland men, complete with beards, kilts and claymores who each have the power of Druids in their heritage. Druid power is also awakened in the sisters, never enough to defeat the wicked witch, but enough to build upon as the stories progress.Redeeming vows, the third of the trilogy, leads to the final battle with Grainna, the Druid witch who hopes to conquor death and time itself. These stories are very well written, they are well put together and the characters are different but complementery to each other. This is romantic fantasy at its best - humour and sexy scenes abound and reality is delightfully suspended for the entire read!These are my favourite books by Ms Bybee, and I will definately keep looking out for more!

What do You think about Redeeming Vows (2000)?

A good end with the series but I would love to read younger brother Cian's story.

Amazing!! I'd say she finished it off beautifully! Well done Catherine Bybee!

I absolutely love this series and the entire McCoinnich clan!!!!!

wonderful book! wonderful series! love Catherine Bybee books.

Great story as always!

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