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Read Benjamin Generation

Benjamin Generation

Online Book

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Benjamin Generation - Plot & Excerpts

In times like these, God is revealing prophetic truths that are going to be a great blessing for His church. You see, prophetic teaching has the ability to pass on what was spoken hundreds, even thousands, of years ago into the “here and now”. What was spoken of back then becomes relevant for us today.
One key prophetic truth that I believe God wants to make known to us is that before Jesus comes again for His people, the last generation will become known as the Benjamin Generation. In fact, the Lord spoke to me and said, “The Benjamin Generation is here.”
What marks the Benjamin Generation is not God’s judgment but His grace.
Now, I’ve heard about the Joshua Generation, but I’ve never heard of the Benjamin Generation. So when God said that, I immediately remembered that Benjamin was the last son of Jacob. I began to realize what the Lord was saying — that the Benjamin Generation will be the last generation before Jesus comes again!
A Generation Of Grace When I received this revelation, I began to study the life of Benjamin and I found that the Benjamin Generation is a generation of grace.

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