“You do know how I love Chopin. A long time ago I met him. Have I ever told you that?”
She turned the handle of the cup as he preferred and then put a few cookies on a plate she placed next to his tea.
He had told her the story. A long time ago when she played piano. She’d been learning but not fast enough for him.
“Ah. I did tell you. You were eight. Learning to play piano. You were awful at it. I felt your discipline was lacking. I was unkind. I wanted to push you into using all that drive you see.” His vision sharpened as she sipped her tea. “There is much I regret.”
She blinked back tears at this unexpected apology. There was too much to wade through as it was. All this emotion overwhelmed her.
Still, she knew a few things for sure. “It’s too late for regret. For any of us. We need to go forward. You’ve been alive a very long time. So long I know it’s easy to let go and listen to the music in your head and tune out all the filters and rules you normally hold yourself to.