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Online Book

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Flip City Media Inc.

Burn - Plot & Excerpts

Three days passed in a heat of songwriting and waitressing. When I realized I’d let the time pass, I thought that maybe I was doing the same thing I’d always done: turn my back on someone until it was too late to go back. Kev,I want you to know I got this, but I don’t know how to answer it right now.See you on the plane.Mon The day before I left for Vancouver, I stood at my locker, shoving my work shoes in and stepping into my street shoes, when Jonathan appeared like a shiny new penny.“Your eye healed up nice.”I jumped. “Jesus, stop that. I thought you were leaving me alone until I got back.”He leaned on the locker bank, crossing his ankles. “Take my plane. Seriously.”“You came here to convince me to take a private jet to my art opening? Talk about a nice problem to have.” I slammed the locker shut and locked it. He smiled at me, then for half a beat, too quickly for anyone to notice, he dropped his eyes and drank me in. I felt as though he was stroking me from toes to shoulders, and a tingle went through me.“Great, I’ll make sure it’s ready.”“I didn’t say I’d take it.”I brushed past him.

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