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Read Check Mate (2004)

Check Mate (2004)

Online Book

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0373613792 (ISBN13: 9780373613793)
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Check Mate (2004) - Plot & Excerpts

SUBJECT: Jake Ingram, world financierFAMILY HISTORY: Leader of the Extraordinary Five siblingsDEEPEST SECRET: His quest to defeat the Coalition might be the Extraordinary Five's undoingFinancial genius Jake Ingram had always known he was different, a feeling that kept the handsome millionaire from getting close to others. And now the truth was out: He was one of five genetically engineered siblings created by a top-secret government organization to do its evil bidding. But Jake's brilliant logic served him no good when he found himself in the hands of his enemy once again. His only escape was to gain the trust of Mariah Daley, an undercover agent ordered to brainwash him. But would Jake's thirst for vengeance and fear of trusting others destroy them both -- and the family Jake had risked everything to reunite...?Five extraordinary siblings,One dangerous past.Unlimited potential.

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