What do You think about City Girl (2001)?
I don't know why this book is in the romance section. She doesn't even meet the guy until half way through the book and hardly has much interaction with him at all. Most of the book is about her coming to Christ - which is a great thing, but I am already religious and if I wanted a 2 page sermon (I'm not kidding, the preacher's words take up 2 pages) I would just read my scriptures. I feel completely misled and I think the author is just seriously out to do some converting. This book should be in the religious section. If you don't like lots of preaching, this isn't the book for you. Having said that...I really like the good religious philosophies in the book and think the characters are very good people. There seems to be a general tolerance and love for those who don't believe.
I just finished the book today but I really didnt know while i was reading how everything would set up right when all of those people they love had to come to Christ, its good to know a happy ending, or to many a new begining witch are always great. Im always sad at ending a trilagy of books but that gives me something to share with all of you. This book was something of an amazing I get to know The City, the one who only depands on herself but you realize that even those people need a friends and someone to love. Thats why even throught the whole story I myself wishet that Cash would fall in love and melt her heart, but there was two thing that stood in the way of their love, something of a personal to both of them. All you have to read and really see the really true mirecals God can do in peoples hearts, and lives...P.S.... SO badly wish I had lived around 1880 in Taxes...( thats how it makes me feel)
—Viktoriya Shostak
Enjoyed how the author tied all the previous characters in the series into this one and gave updates on their lives. Loved the moxie attitude of Reagan riding a bicycle, willing to live alone but question her fear of men due to a dad who drank. Reagan had a wonderful humor, great sense of generosity and work ethic. Cash as the ranch owner was just overall nice to the point of unbelievable. Loved the housekeeper, Kate, the temporary landlords, and the hotel owner, Sally, with being much more realistic with great humor. The attitude that if they have not come to Christ we have to be worried sick and can not possibly have a relationship with them was overbearing in this book more than the others in the series. The characters felt they could not do anything but pray for people.