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Read Conard County Witness (2015)

Conard County Witness (2015)

Online Book

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Conard County Witness (2015) - Plot & Excerpts

Jess said. “I don’t want you out of my sight, but you can use another computer. Sitting here just watching me has to be a yawner.”
    Far from it, Lacy thought. Staring at Jess was an enjoyable pastime, but it probably was making him feel awkward. So she summoned a smile, moved to the next computer on the table and woke up another machine. It immediately presented her with a menu of games and ebooks, as well as a web search engine. Beside the list of games was a warning: headset must be used.
    Yeah, she could just imagine what this room would sound like with a bunch of games playing at top volume.
    She had no idea what she wanted to do, however. Starting a book would be a waste of time since she wasn’t likely to finish it, and she hadn’t used her social media accounts in nearly two years. That left surfing the web with no real goal in mind.
    She soon discovered some curiosity about how her case had been reported in the papers.

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