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Read Crusader Captive

Crusader Captive

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Crusader Captive - Plot & Excerpts

De Rhys, do you hear me?”Her tangled hair falling in her face, Jocelyn dropped to her knees and struggled to turn the man over. It was like pushing at rock.“De Rhys!”His only response was an inarticulate grunt.This was most assuredly not part of the plan.Cursing, Jocelyn threw on her torn bliaut and rushed to the tower door. A swift descent of the narrow, winding stairs brought her to the guardroom directly below her bedchamber. The three men rattling dice glanced up in surprise at her sudden appearance.Her disheveled state generated no little surprise. The two guardsmen gaped in astonishment. Sir Hugh kicked aside his three-legged stool and hurried to her side.“What’s amiss, lady?”“De Rhys.”“What has that whoreson done?” His hand went to the hilt of his dagger. His eyes raked her hurriedly clothed person. “Did he give you hurt?”“No, but I fear I’ve hurt him. Most grievously.”“You had to fight him?” His voice was low and fierce and for her ears only. “Why didn’t you call out?”“No, no.

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