Jordy Murphy stood in front of the mirror in his Las Vegas hotel room and groaned. He raked his fingers over the top of his head. He’d cut his hair the week before and still wasn’t sure about the new look. The shorter ’do was too severe. He preferred the longer, floppy style with highlights streaked into his blond hair. The change wasn’t awful, just different—and he’d be able to hide it under a Santa hat anyway. He adjusted his tie, emblazoned with snowballs, then smoothed out the suit coat. He snorted. The outfit was rather formal for clubbing in Vegas, but he wasn’t headed to just any club on any given night. This was Christmas Eve. According to the e-invite he’d received, he was to go upstairs to Club49 for the holiday extravaganza. Fifty bucks a head with all drinks and a buffet included as well. Unless the unnamed item had the name of the club emblazoned on it, he’d re-gift to his brother or sister. He turned away from the mirror and fiddled with the band on his smart watch.