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Read Deltora Quest #2: The Lake Of Tears

Deltora Quest #2: The Lake of Tears

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Scholastic Books

Deltora Quest #2: The Lake Of Tears - Plot & Excerpts

“What is Soldeen?” she asked. But Manus could not, or would not, explain.
“Whatever this Soldeen is, we must face it,” growled Barda. “As we must face Thaegan, if she pursues us.”
The Ralads drew together at the mention of Thaegan’s name. Their faces were very grave. Plainly, they thought the travelers did not understand their peril, and that meant that Manus was doomed to die with them, for he was determined to be their guide.
“Do not fear,” Lief said grimly. “We have weapons. If Thaegan tries her tricks on us, we will kill her!”
The people shook their heads and scribbled again. Barda bent, frowning over the lines.
“They say she cannot be killed,” he said at last, reluctantly. “The only way to kill a witch is to draw blood. And Thaegan’s whole body is armored by magic. Many have tried to pierce it. All have failed, and died.”
Lief glanced at Jasmine. Her eyes were fixed on Kree, who was flying high above them, stretching his wings.
Lief bit his lip and looked back at the Ralads.

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