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Read The Shadowlands (2002)

The Shadowlands (2002)

Online Book

3.94 of 5 Votes: 1
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0439394937 (ISBN13: 9780439394932)
scholastic paperbacks

The Shadowlands (2002) - Plot & Excerpts

I read this long ago, but I can still remember most of it (Note: If I get one more person complaining about shallow characters or the lack of detail… any more detail and this would be rated R. It’s bad enough already)1.tThis book works on two levels: Symbolic and entertaining.2.tAccurately portrays the message that if we fight until we can’t stand and cast our differences aside evil can be kept at bay, though never truly eradicated.3. POOOOOR JASMINE.4.tOh… the series isn’t over yet?5.tI don’t know why they waited 1000 years to attack… the Shadow lord could destroy The Avengers with a flick of his/her/its (foreshadowing) wrist. Wouldn’t want to get this guy angry!!6.tYay no love triangles!

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