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Read Desert Kings

Desert Kings

Online Book

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Gold Eagle

Desert Kings - Plot & Excerpts

The sec men and women behind the cannon crisply saluted the baron as he rode by with the running sec men close behind.Rattling and clanking every inch of the way, Ryan directed the war wag through the gate and angled around the bulwark to enter the ville. The amassed sec men behind the bulwark didn’t salute this time, and watched the clattering wag in close scrutiny, scarred hands resting on the holstered blasters by their sides.As the Cyclops shuddered past the formidable gate, Mildred could only stare at something nailed to the wooden jamb. A small roll of paper, or maybe parchment, tilted slightly off center.“Madam, am I mistaken,” Doc said softly, “or was that a Jewish prayer scroll on the gate?”“Sure looked like a mezuzah to me,” Mildred said with a wide grin. “Maybe this mountaintop ville was a winter ski resort before the war. Or at least a winter retreat. Perhaps a lot of Jewish people left the big cities around Christmas to get a break from the nonstop barrage of carols for a holiday they don’t celebrate.

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