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Read Dork Diaries 3 ½: How To Dork Your Diary (2012)

Dork Diaries 3 ½: How to Dork Your Diary (2012)

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0857076779 (ISBN13: 9780857076779)
Simon & Schuster UK

Dork Diaries 3 ½: How To Dork Your Diary (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

Russell, R. (2011). Dork diaries: how to dork you diary. New York, New York: Aladdin.This is one of the books in the Dork Diaries series. There is empty space for the reader to actually write in the book, and keep it for her/himself. But it also has a story, most of which is centered on how to keep a diary. The girl shares advice, such as: “Tip #1: discover what type of diary is right for you!” Interspersed with her tips are vignettes from her own life about how the tips were generated. The reason why it’s called “How to Dork Your Diary” is so no one will want to read it except but you.This is a fun concept book, nestled among the series. It reminds me of one of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books. I don’t think it’s necessarily something that I would rush out of the store to get, but if I were someone who enjoyed the other Dork Diaries books, then I might purchase it. While part of the book is a story, the other part are blank pages on which you can write your thoughts. If you want to emulate the style of the books, then this is the perfect canvas to start with. One of the cool features of the book is that it has quizzes and prompts to get the reader started on writing about themselves.Genre: fiction, graphic novelReading level/interest level: tweensSimilar books/materials: Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Amelia’s NotebookReader’s advisory notes:i. personal thoughts: This book was just okay. I think someone could essentially just buy a blank notebook and start journalling in it and it would be the same as buying this book.ii. subjects/themes: diaries, self-improvementiii. awards:iv. series information: this is the fourth book in the series Dork Diaries.v. character names/description: main girl character/name unknown, she tells the reader how to “dork” your diaryvi. annotation: This is a fun book for girls or boys to write their thoughts in, side by side with the author’s diary. Last night, Nicky dreamed that she had lost her diary. For her, she thinks her diary is very important because there is were she keeps all her personal secrets. When she got up from bed the following day, she couldn’t find her diary where she had left it the day before. She fought she had left it in the school. However, she remembers that she put it in a zipper of her backpack so it should of had fallenyu. When she arrives to school, she starts looking for it everywhere and then went to look at lost and found but she couldn’t find anything. Nicky though that McKenzie had something to do with the lost diary. She realizes that Jessica a secretary, and friend of Mackenzie could have hidden the diary. She told this to her best friends and they advise Nicky to go and claim it to Jessica. When Nicky went to Jessica’s desk she saw McKenzie and Jessica together so Nicky went to talk with them but they all started to complain about the diary. While Nicky said they had it they said they didn’t. The school principal arrived and makes McKenzie open her purse but she didn’t had it. When McKenzie went away the principal told Nicky to be more respectful with her mates. Nicky was so worried that she thought that everybody in the school was reading her diary. Cloe, Zoe, and Nicky went to the garbage place of the school to look if the diary had not intentionally been thrown in the garbage, but they couldn’t find it. The girls thought that McKenzie gave the diary to his boyfriend, Brady an American football Player who would hide it in his sports bag. The girls made a plan to go in the boys changing room and look for the diary, then go out and nobody would notice them. They went in, and started looking at all the lockers of the football players, and then they found a bag that said Brady so they opened it. Unfortunately there was no Diary inside it.The girls heard footsteps and had not time to hide. The coach of the team arrive talking in the cell phone, then the girls found some football players outfits so they put them on. The coach complained to them why weren’t they in the field practicing for the big game of tomorrow. At the same time Brandon, Nicky’s secret crush arrives and interrupted them by saying he needed to interview the coach. The coach let him do it but when Brandon exanimated the three football players he notices it were Nicky, Cloe, and Zoe. Brandon changed his mind and told the coach he better needed to interview the players to see how good coach he is. The coach let them go to their interview, so when Brandon took the out he asked them why were they there. They told him the hold story of the lost diary, so Brandon told them to go and change because school was almost over. He said to Nicky good luck with that and walk away. School finally ended and she hadn’t founded her diary! Her mom told her to wait for he little sister that was coming from school. When her little sister arrive she came in running saying, “Today was show-and-tell and all the kids love the pictures of Nicky’s diary” When Nicky heard that, she felt so good. She just told her sister to promise that she wasn’t going to EVER tush her things again. Well at least she has her Diary back.I rate this book five stars because it doesn’t not just tells you a story but while you are reading you need to fill in some blank spaces with your opinions, it also has some activities so you do while reading. It also tells you how to write and keep your own Diary save, and it gives you some pages at the end of the book so you start your own Diary. The story is really interesting. And I recommend just to girls because boys wouldn’t understand the book that is written in girls language

What do You think about Dork Diaries 3 ½: How To Dork Your Diary (2012)?

I think this book is going to be facinating, and I hope I like it.

It is more how to help fill in your diary. Still helpful.


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