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Read DORK Diaries, Band 07: Nikkis (nicht Ganz So) Schillernde Filmkarriere (2014)

DORK Diaries, Band 07: Nikkis (nicht ganz so) schillernde Filmkarriere (2014)

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DORK Diaries, Band 07: Nikkis (nicht Ganz So) Schillernde Filmkarriere (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

Dork Diaries Good Reads ReviewSummary: One morning Nikki Maxwell woke up and received a phone call. She thought it was her major crush Brandon who she had just went to the dance with the night before. When she looked at caller ID it was a famous singer Trevor Chase! He had asked if the Nikki and her friends Chloe and Zoey wanted to sing back up at his concert. Nikki agreed and then called her friends immediately. They all went to the concert the next night and saw one of their worst enemies Mackenzie Hollister. Mackenzie was bragging that she got front row seats then suddenly Nicki waved her tickets which were back stage passes right in her face. Mackenzie dumped her water bottle on Chloe and as Nikki and Zoey were trying to clean Chloe up Mackenzie stole Nikki’s backstage passes! Nikki and her friends tried to tell the security guard but he was too grumpy so he would not listen. Nikki and her friends decided to jump on a moving rack full of clothes to see where it would take them. Luckily enough it took them backstage. When the clothes designer saw them he felt terrible for the way thy looked so he dressed them up in his latest fashion which looked like Diva Dancers. They were walking down the hall when the plan failed. Zoey slipped and the security guard caught them because Zoey’s wig fell off. They were taking to a room to decide if they should go to jail or not when suddenly a security guard brought McKenzie to. They were all fighting when suddenly Trevor Chase walked in. He noticed Chloe, Nikki, and Zoey and decided to not take them to jail. He also brought good news he asked Nikki and her friends if their band wanted to make a record and they said yes. They all agreed to meet at Queesy Cheesy on a Monday to talk about it. While they were discussing Trevor Chase asked Nikki if she wanted to be on a reality TV show and she said yes. Even though her TV show took most of her time she had a great time and would like to do it more! Character descriptions: Nikki Maxwell the main character the main character is a very dorky character with brown hair and blue eyes who has got feelings for Brandon. Brandon is a photographer with beautiful brown hair that sweeps into his face and blue eyes like the ocean. McKenzie Hollister a member of the CCP (Cute Cool and Popular) is very into fashion. She wears the latest designer clothes and always wears heals. If she needs lip balm she always has extras. Chloe is one of Nikki’s best friends she also enjoys to dress very dorky. She has light brown hair that is quite long she likes to wear it up or in pigtails and she has green eyes. Zoey Nikki’s other best friend enjoys to dress dorky with her friends as well she has short brown hair that she tends to wear down. She has green eyes and she tends to wear hoop earrings because they go well with her. Setting: This story mainly takes place at school. When it is not at school it usually involves Nikki at home or out hanging with her friends somewhere. It tells everyday what has happened at home. When the story is not at home or school it takes place at the recording studio and also the animal shelter. Conflict: The main conflict in this book is at the concert. Nikki and her friends Chloe and Zoey tickets are stolen by Mackenzie Hollister. This could be one of the biggest night for the girls to pursue their music career and now it is ruined by the putrid Mackenzie Hollister. They have no hope until they see a chance to get backstage right in front of their own two eyes. Resolution to Conflict: The girls decide to jump onto a cart full of clothes which takes them right where they want to be backstage. They do not know how to get out of the cart without the security guard seeing them though. A clothes designer helped make them look like dancers so they could get to Trevor Chase. Surprisingly the show was done so Trevor Chase came to them!My Opinion: I think this book is very interesting and funny. It is entertaining to me because I like Drama, Choir, and Dance and those are the things she does throughout the book. There are a lot of funny adventures that make it very entertaining. Finally her and Brandon get together and I liked that because I have been waiting for that to happen throughout the whole series. Recommendation: I would recommend this to girls in middle school. I would consider it to people who like theatrical things. If you like to laugh you would love this book. If you like to hear about others peoples struggle that may be similar to yours this is just the right book for you! I would recommend it for anyone who wants a good laugh. Can you believe, a not-so-famous person became famous. The ending was shocking, no one would thought things could get worse being famous.Nikki was told that she would have a tv show, they wanted to make a show about her. Things were going great, until Mackenzie found out about it, Mackenzie start to ruin Nikki's show even her life but, she tried to ignore all of Mackenzie's comments. Things are going to be worse then ever, read this book and you'll know what happens.This book gives us a lesson, to show that being famous is not always great. At the same time, the ending was not very shocking, it's easy to make an inference to this book.I highly recommended this book to kids between fourth and fifth grade, and it's better if you read it to yourself.

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This book was fantastic and i really enjoyed it

I don't care if I am in high school and still reading these books...

it was good


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