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Read Dork Diaries #7 (2014)

Dork Diaries #7 (2014)

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Simon & Schuster UK

Dork Diaries #7 (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

Nikki is in a band called, Actually I’m Really Not Sure Yet, and she and two of her band members got invited to a concert and also got backstage passes. When they got there they saw Mackenzie who was absolutely jealous that they had passes. So she sabotaged their way to get in. The three girls have to dress up as back up dancers to sneak in. When they are back there they get caught and so does Mackenzie, they are arguing with security Trevor Chase, Nikki’s manager, comes and tell Nikki she has her own T.V. show now. All the girls get let go and go home. Soon they start filming and to Nikki it gets really annoying. Nikki keeps promising to help Brandon with his project, but she keeps bailing. Nikki and her band get invited to a ski resort to preform and have a meet and greet. When they get there Nikki and Mackenzie go head to head in a skiing competion. Nikki ends out beating Mackenzie. A while later it’s time for the meet and greet and CD signing, the crowd was huge. But when they open the boxes with CDs in them they are empty. Devastated, Nikki comes up with a plan for a kissing booth. Each person has their own line, at the end of Nikki’s line Brandon gets in it. When he gets up to her they kiss on the lips!! The main characters are Nikki, Brandon, and Mackenzie. Nikki is outgoing and kind of nerdy at sometimes. She has a big heart though, that big heart is in love with Brandon. Brandon is a shy, cute kind of guys with a big brain and sweet attitude. Mackenzie, according to Nikki is a mean evil witch, with a nice but rude attitude, and very popular! The settings of the book are Nikki’s house, the school, and the ski resort. Nikki and Mackenzie have a huge conflict, Mackenzie is always sabotaging Nikki’s plans. She’s the one who made Nikki not be able to meet a band in concert. She sabotaged the CDs. Mackenzie is always ruining Nikki’s life! There is not solution to Nikki and Mackenzie’s conflict. Mackenzie is always going to be mean to Nikki. I really liked the book! I thought it was really excited and I was always wanting to read more! Rachel Renee Russell is a great writer. I hope she makes more books in this series! I would recommend this book to grades 4 through 7! This is a great book/series! Nikki gets a call, and someone famous calls her, Trevor Chase, and wants to meet with her about her band for a gig!! After a rocky road getting to actually meeting him, she gets asked to be on TV for a reality TV show, all about her, and lifestyle!!! Nikki is afraid to decline, so she agrees!!!! It starts out okay, but then she soon realizes that this might not have been a good idea...the TV crew is always following her, and Mackenzie of course tries to ruin this, and steal the spotlight. This TV show is slowing Nikki down, and some of her friends aren't doing stuff with her anymore. I recommend this book/series to anyone who likes the Diary of a Wimpy Kid book series, or anyone who likes comics, or started the series.

What do You think about Dork Diaries #7 (2014)?

I love books like this!!

love books like this!!

Better when I was younger I think.

easy book to read

It was alright

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