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Read Echoes Of Magic

Echoes of Magic

Online Book

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Donna Grant

Echoes Of Magic - Plot & Excerpts

He’d expected her to answer with a firm ”never”. Instead, she’d said there was a possibility. It had him reeling. He refused to put himself in the same situation Drogan was in. There was nothing in heaven or on earth that could bond him with a woman who was cursed.
He had never thought to have a family of his own but, if he ever did, he would damn sure be around to see the children grow. Besides, he didn’t expect there to be a woman whom he could want to spend the rest of his life with.
Not that it mattered. He would die soon, of that he was certain.
When they stopped at noon to eat, Milosh motioned him over. Grayson jumped from the cart and reached for Adrianna. There was no way he was going to miss holding her for a few moments, even if he was torturing himself.
His hands spanned her small waist as his gaze met her pale blue eyes. The sun broke through the clouds to shine upon her golden locks.
“You’re being summoned,”
she said with a grin. “Best not keep Milosh waiting.”

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