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Read Midnight's Temptation (2013)

Midnight's Temptation (2013)

Online Book

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1250017289 (ISBN13: 9781250017284)
St. Martin's Paperbacks

Midnight's Temptation (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

Ever since that fateful night, he can't stop thinking about her. A timeless beauty in a nightclub, she moved across the dance floor like an angel, surrendering to the music--and casting a spell that could only be magic. When Phelan took her in his arms and kissed her, the Highlander knew this was no ordinary woman. This was a Druidess who could fulfill his every desire--or destroy him completely...She is a mystery--a woman on the run, hunted by two different men. As much as she longs to be captured by the magnificent warrior Phelan, she knows she must resist the temptation. A vengeful evil is stalking her, watching her every move--a madman who will stop at nothing to possess her power. Once, she sold a piece of her soul for magic. Is she willing to risk Phelan's life, and give up her heart...for love?Aisley was like an angel surrendering to the music, yet she is a Druidess one of the evil ones. She is on the run with two men hunting her; one a madman and one a magnificent warrior.Midnight's Temptation weaves good and evil in an exciting, very moving and sexy way. It is packed full of action in the chase against warriors. The warriors not wanting evil to win again.I like how the story was as old as time yet modern too. All the twists and turns of ancient time bring to life the romance of good and evil in Aisley and Phelan's time. You are kept wondering who will win out and will good overcome evil in this exciting romance. not impressed at all. I've been in love with Phelan since he first appeared in the series, but this book didn't do him justice. There was no excitement and only one dramatic scene. I liked Aisley a lot, but I'm wondering why she took Phelan back. He felt her pain and knew she was scared and in danger and ignored it, then when he saw Aiden go to her he wants to play the grieving lover. And the ending was stupid and done by everybody at least twice. I was more excited about the exchange between Rhi and Con than I was by any interaction between Phelan and Aisley.

What do You think about Midnight's Temptation (2013)?

the ending was surprising... i did not expect it at all. can't wait for Malcolm's story.

I just about couldn't wait for Phelan's book and what a book it was.

Love all her books

3.5 stars.

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