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Read Midnight's Promise (2013)

Midnight's Promise (2013)

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1250017297 (ISBN13: 9781250017291)
St. Martin's Paperbacks

Midnight's Promise (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

I received a copy of Midnight's Promise from the publisher free in exchange for an honest review. This is the 8th book in Donna Grant's Dark Warrior series, and if I'm not mistaken the last book. Believe it or not I actually have all but one of the previous books in this series yet I have not read any of them and started the series with this one. Yep. Starting at the end. Usually this would annoy me to no end and I would beat myself up about it for weeks, however this book was too addicting to even care and putting it down was a hard struggle. However, when I was forced to put it down my mind still retained its grasp on all things Malclom & Evie.Now, obviously starting any series at the end you are going to miss out on a great deal and it was obvious that I had missed a great deal by skipping ahead of the series as certain things explained were thrown completely over my head. But I didn't care because the story that was given was all to easy to get lost in and my focus was not on all that I had missed out on but what was happening. Still, I would suggest holding off on reading this one until you can get through the rest.There were certain moments where Evie got on my nerves and was just plain stupid and I wanted to smack her with the book but unlike most characters I've come across it was all too easy to dismiss and ignore. Why? Simple. Midnight's Promise is one hell of a read. It's easy to ignore the annoying bits, especially when they are few and far between, to focus on the awesome. Which there was a lot of.If you are a huge fan of the Dark Warriors and were worried about how this final ending would all be tied up fear not as it has one of the best endings ever. Seriously, I can't go into great detail about it because that would ruin it but rest assured that anything and everything you'll want to know about your favorite characters from previous books will all be tied up nicely with a big pretty bow. This is definitely a must read for those who follow this series and a must "add-to-TBR" for those who haven't. I for one will be going back to the beginning to discover what all lead to such an amazing end. Malcolm has lived with guilt longer than he cares to remember. He knows that it is something he will never be rid of. He has distanced himself from all of those that could ever love him. His guilt makes him believe that they hate him as much as he hates himself. Accustomed to a life of solitude he does not know what to do when he finds Evie.Running from an unknown foe and believing she is the last of her kind Evie is shocked to find a man who knows exactly what she is. Her excitement over not being alone in the world throws Malcolm off. He is used to others fearing him. Evie is not at all what I expected on so many accounts. She and Malcolm are so alike in so many ways and so completely different from one another.Evie and Malcolm is a couple that makes it completely impossible not to love them. There are so many great couples in Donna Grant’s Dark Warriors series. It seems like at the end of each book I think to myself ‘this is my favorite couple.’ It is so easy to think this of Malcolm and Evie. The Malcolm that readers have known for so many books deserves so much more than what he believes he does. Evie is the balm that his soul so desperately needs.Favorite quote: Malcolm to Guy: “I’d like to say that I donna crave the feel of her magic. I’d like to tell you that I could walk away and forget her kisses or the way she feels in my arms. But I’d be lying. Evie found my soul, and in the process touched my heart.”

What do You think about Midnight's Promise (2013)?

I loved this book and can't wait for the next series.

I love her books not one has let me down

Perfect ending to a very fun series!!!

Malcolm - Evie (Jason)


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