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Read Highland Fires (2011)

Highland Fires (2011)

Online Book

4.27 of 5 Votes: 4
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DL Grant, LLC

Highland Fires (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

I really liked the setup to Highland Fires, Lucas, the former Fae prince, who was banished and is no longer immortal, and has been doing his 'penance' living a solitary existence on Earth, leaving his island only for ocassional supplies. That all changes when an enslaved Fae woman seeks his help.This book was my first by Donna Grant and I was really surprise to discover about midway through that Highland Fires is a full length book - I had thought that it was a short story fill-in to Grant's current series, but it is instead a rerelease of an older Ellora's Cave book (but not one of 'those' EC books, this one is along the lines of most mainstream PNR sensualitywise)My only nit: "mystical blue eyes" is used waaaaay too many times. But I liked it well enough to hunt desperately for the follow on book starring a character, Tane, who appears in this one (doesn't look like his book has been rereleased yet) and to buy several earlier books in the series (since the price is really appealing too.) In this story Lugus is the focus. It takes place five years after the Highalnd Dawn. Lugus is a mortal living as an ironsmith who finds himself having to help Ahryn a fae who has been trapped in the Earth realm. I really liked the story but felt that some parts were rushed just to bring closure to the story but it didn't happen naturally not to mention the epilogue leads the reader to believe that there will be another book that will continue where this one ended. I have just started the last book which is Frang's story and feel that perhaps the reader won't know what happened to some key characters in Highland Fires...

What do You think about Highland Fires (2011)?

A must read!! This is the best of the series so far!!! Donna Grant is a wpnderful story teller.

Lugus's story of love and sacrifice.

Love this series!

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