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Donna Grant books

Donna Grant
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Read Books by Donna Grant


Dangerous Highlander (2009)

The beginning of an amazing series… This is the first book in her paranormal series Dark Swords. Her unlikely heroes are not vampires or werewolves, but the MacLeod’s, a trio of brothers, Scottish Highland warriors from the 1300’s who have ancient gods from hell unbound within them. Because of t...

Dangerous Highlander (2009) by Donna Grant

Forbidden Highlander (2010)

Fallon McLeod is the oldest of the three McLeod brothers. We were introduced to him as a drunk in the first book, trying to forget that he's got a god/monster within him and refusing to transform to fight. But he did transform in order to save his brother's love in that book. In this one, Fall...

Forbidden Highlander (2010) by Donna Grant

Highlander. El pergamino oculto (2011)

Fallon is my favorite kind of hero, the outwardly strong one who's inwardly vulnerable. He's only recently overcome drowning his sorrows in alcohol when he meets Larena, a female Warrior with a goddess inside her. They feel an immediate, almost impossible to resist sexual attraction to each other...

Highlander. El pergamino oculto (2011) by Donna Grant

Dark Craving (2012)

Darn! The story is too short. I want more. I don't understand why Donna Grant didn't make this in a full blown novel. It has so many potentials to make it so. The theme and concept of this book is almost like the Dark Warriors, but it evolves on shape shifters (i.e. dragons). I wonder if th...

Dark Craving (2012) by Donna Grant

Wicked Highlander (2010)

This was quite suspenseful, I kept on reading because I wanted to find out how they'll be able to get out of the mountain, and how the MacLeod brothers' reunion would go about.There's a lot of brutality and gore and I like how Ms Grant wrote them, there's no sugarcoating, violence is a bloody mes...

Wicked Highlander (2010) by Donna Grant

Midnight's Master (2012)

This one fell flat for me. Very cliche, kind of cheesy with soft and rather shallow characters. Too many gently phrase descriptions of passion and love making, with head thrashing and screaming, for me. The story line is okay but not unique or distinct at all. I feel like it blurs into other not ...

Midnight's Master (2012) by Donna Grant

Untamed Highlander (2011)

I never expected to like this story because I didn't care much for Hayden and Isla, but they're too conflicted among themselves and towards each other I can't resist but read on.Hayden is living in angst for centuries and he hates droughs for what his family suffered. Isla is an unwilling drough,...

Untamed Highlander (2011) by Donna Grant

Shadow Highlander (2011)

While searching for the artifact to defeat Deirdre with the help of Isla's map Galen and Logan find the hidden Druids of Loch Awe. Reaghan becomes entranced with Galen from the start trusting them to lead the druids to safety at Castle MacLeod. Alone the way they discover she IS the artifact but ...

Shadow Highlander (2011) by Donna Grant

Night's Awakening (2012)

This one is about Elena (human) & Guy (Dragon). Elena is caving with her boss, when her boss has an accident and dies. She manages to get part way out before twisting her ankle. Banan, Guy, and Rhys are near by and hear her. They search for the noise and find her. During the climb out she tells G...

Night's Awakening (2012) by Donna Grant

Darkest Highlander (2012)

A solid 5 star read. Superb story, phenominal series. Darkest Highlander is a no bars hold story delivering fast paced page after page of adrenaline adventure, shocking suspense, emotional turmoil and sensual romance. Every book so far in this series is based on one warriors tale intermingling...

Darkest Highlander (2012) by Donna Grant

Dawn's Desire (2012)

My favorite so far, more action than the others. This one is about Jane & Banan. Banan, Guy, and Rhys have gone back to London with Elena to try to find out who at PureGems sent her & Sloan to Draegan. They suspect Elena & Jane's boss Richard, but quickly realize that someone else is calling the...

Dawn's Desire (2012) by Donna Grant

Midnight's Lover (2012)

I liked it. It was sad that both characters lost loved ones - Danielle: her parents were killed in a car crash at age 12; then, her father's sisters moved her from Florida to Scotland. There she was raised by her Aunt Josephine, who made her realize the fact that she was a Druid with powerful m...

Midnight's Lover (2012) by Donna Grant

Midnight's Warrior (2012)

"Midnight's Warrior" by Donna Grant. Book 4 in the Dark Warriors series.Really really enjoyed this installment in this series. Great action. Lots of magic. Great chemistry between the main characters Ramsey and Tara.Ramsey is half Druid and half Warrior. His people were destroyed by Deirdre ...

Midnight's Warrior (2012) by Donna Grant

Midnight's Seduction (2012)

Saffron and Camdyn have been dodging their attraction for one another from the moment that they met. He is the Warrior that physically removed her from the hell that is Declan. He is the man that comforts her when the nightmares become more than she can handle. Saffron makes Camdyn feel things th...

Midnight's Seduction (2012) by Donna Grant

Highland Nights (2000)

Good story. This whole 'don't kill MacNeil until the time it says in the prophecy' thing is getting irritating.. The 'cloaked figure' is irritating the bejeezus outta me. And these girls are pretty powerful, but seem to still get caught off guard.. At least this girl, Fiona, uses her powers to ki...

Highland Nights (2000) by Donna Grant

Highland Dawn (2000)

Dartayous me dejo sin palabras justamente como me lo imagine desde el principio... y es que tengo una vena e imán pa descubrir a los malotes, serios y desgraciados pero que al final terminan siendo los que te mueven más que el prota cariñoso *suspiro* puedo decir sin temor a dudas que este es mi ...

Highland Dawn (2000) by Donna Grant

A Dark Guardian (2006)

This was free on Amazon so I decided to give it a shot. It pains me to say this but I just did not love it. It was hard to get into. It just was a hard read for me. I did not like Hugh at all and Mina just did not make sense to me. She was all for trying to get rid of the creature but she could n...

A Dark Guardian (2006) by Donna Grant

Midnight's Captive (2013)

Warning!!!! Midnight's Captive is smoking HOT!!!! I'm rating this 5 stars because that's just the limit Goodreads provides but it is a solid 5 stars. What I didn't see coming in this story was the reunion between the Dark Warriors and the Dark Kings. Wowza!! Charon and Laura by far are my two...

Midnight's Captive (2013) by Donna Grant

Highland Fires (2011)

I really liked the setup to Highland Fires, Lucas, the former Fae prince, who was banished and is no longer immortal, and has been doing his 'penance' living a solitary existence on Earth, leaving his island only for ocassional supplies. That all changes when an enslaved Fae woman seeks his help...

Highland Fires (2011) by Donna Grant

Midnight's Temptation (2013)

Ever since that fateful night, he can't stop thinking about her. A timeless beauty in a nightclub, she moved across the dance floor like an angel, surrendering to the music--and casting a spell that could only be magic. When Phelan took her in his arms and kissed her, the Highlander knew this was...

Midnight's Temptation (2013) by Donna Grant

Midnight's Promise (2013)

I received a copy of Midnight's Promise from the publisher free in exchange for an honest review. This is the 8th book in Donna Grant's Dark Warrior series, and if I'm not mistaken the last book. Believe it or not I actually have all but one of the previous books in this series yet I have not rea...

Midnight's Promise (2013) by Donna Grant

Wild Fever (2000)

Olivia Breaux is back in her hometown after the disaster at her job, that left her unemployed and under investigation. Being back and close to the one man who she deeply desires,Vincent Chiasson, and she is determined to be with him.Vincent takes his job as a hunter for the supernatural very seri...

Wild Fever (2000) by Donna Grant

Savage Moon (2008)

This wonderful Book Reminded me that True Love if you are lucky is your SOUL MATE finding you. Have to say the erotic dreams that started this story were enough to bring COLD COLD Showers to mind . Well Done Donna !! What an exotic and adorable character Krista Evans turned out to ...

Savage Moon (2008) by Donna Grant

Highland Mist (2006)

An Honorable LairdLaird Connall MacInness was born to a clan that for centuries has been charged with the guarding of the sacred Druids. 'Tis a duty he has always met with a willing heart, until the day his sister, a Druid priestess, goes missing, and the very Druids he has protected refuse to he...

Highland Mist (2006) by Donna Grant

Smoke and Fire

He wanted to yell and hit something. Hard. He stared at a face he knew, but his sister was no longer the same person. MI5 and Ulrik had done their job to perfection. The girl he remembered who always had a dirty joke to tell and who was known for her infectious laughter was gone. The woman in fro...

Smoke and Fire by Donna Grant

Dragon Fever: A Dark Kings Novella

Like Rae, he didn’t want their night together to end. As powerful as he was as an immortal, he couldn’t stop time. He was just reaching for her when there was a knock on his door. He jumped up, glancing at the clock to see it was the time he’d told Ms. Engel to meet him for breakfast. He grabbed ...

Dragon Fever: A Dark Kings Novella by Donna Grant

Moon Kissed

The dark-headed wolf he’d seen earlier walked toward him. Griffin looked to his men and gave a nod. “I wondered if you would accept our help.” “I told you we would,” Kane said. Griffin stared at Myles with his green eyes. “I followed Delphine. They’ve taken your woman to a cemetery.” “Which one?”...

Moon Kissed by Donna Grant


“Then it’s up to the castle?” Aimery shrugged. “Maybe.” She wanted to roll her eyes. Maybe she mouthed and turned her back to him to look at the pool of water. Her skin was salty from the sweat and caked in dirt, and her hair stuck to the back of her neck making her itch. She palmed the small dag...

Dragonfyre by Donna Grant

Passion Ignites

The once beautiful ancient city had taken a battering from the Dark. After the building Lexi had been in was destroyed, the Dark moved to other areas of the city and began to ravage it. The rain was coming faster, hitting his skin like pellets. Wind whipped around him, as if urging him to shift a...

Passion Ignites by Donna Grant

The Craving (Rogues of Scotland #1)

She glanced over and spotted Ina just before the old woman moved back into the shadows.“That was odd,” Meg said as they entered the castle. “I can’t remember the last time Ina left her cottage.”Ronan said not a word as he escorted her down the corridor. A glance at him showed Meg that anger and w...

The Craving (Rogues of Scotland #1) by Donna Grant

Smoke and Fire: Part 3

It wasn’t just the long hours staring at the screen, frustration mounting with every search coming up empty. No, it was the dreams that plagued her sleep. Dreams of Ryder. Her stomach quivered with delight as she recalled one particular dream where she’d been sleeping on Ryder’s chest, his arm wr...

Smoke and Fire: Part 3 by Donna Grant

Fire Rising (Dark Kings)

She stared at Tristan, her eyes soaking up every part of him. Now, as he stood before her with his hair windblown and his chest bare, showing off the beautiful dragon tattoo while his dark eyes stared intently, heatedly at her, she wondered how she could have mistaken Ian for him. He growled, a l...

Fire Rising (Dark Kings) by Donna Grant

Prince of Love

She’d been on edge and frantic ever since she had woken to find Sorin gone.  He’d left so he wouldn’t be discovered in her room, but now she was growing concerned that he hadn’t come to see her since. Where are you, Sorin?  “Katrina, you’re making me nervous with your pacing. The storm won’t last...

Prince of Love by Donna Grant

Captured by Desire

He grasped the Wendigo’s head and jerked it to the side until she heard the neck snap.Her heart pounded in her chest, ready to burst from her body at any moment from the fear and worry for Cristian. She closed her mouth and watched as he let the creature fall to the ground before moving to her.Te...

Captured by Desire by Donna Grant

Smoke and Fire: Part 1

There was no way he was going to make her feel bad for doing what 99 percent of humans would’ve done in her shoes. However, she knew that had hurt Ryder. The look on his face that night, and even now while he watched her with hope, told her she had wounded him severely. “Con,” Ryder said, his voi...

Smoke and Fire: Part 1 by Donna Grant

Wild Dream (2014)

She had pulled along the side of the road in the neighborhood, and for long minutes she merely sat in the truck staring at the house. When she lived in the house it had been painted yellow with white trim. Now the small house was a sand color with navy trim. Shutters had been added to the outside...

Wild Dream (2014) by Donna Grant

Midnight's Kiss

Their bags were taken by an attendant, and Arran had no choice but to follow Ronnie inside. With his hand on her lower back, they walked inside. He noticed the way men looked at Ronnie. She was in jeans, boots, and another plaid shirt with her hair in a bun and no makeup, and still men ogled her....

Midnight's Kiss by Donna Grant

Darkest Flame

Even as the yacht Guy and Laith had driven to Cork cut its way through the Irish Sea back to Scotland. Thunder rumbled over the roar of the motor and a second later, an impressive display of lightning lit the sky. The storms were a great way for the Kings to fly unnoticed, but for once Kellan was...

Darkest Flame by Donna Grant

Dark Alpha's Embrace

The fact they hadn’t killed her yet was a plus. But there was little hope she’d last until morning. They wanted information from her, and until they got it, she would remain alive. The Fae beside her was tall and striking—as all Fae was. His silver gaze was direct, his tone frank. As imposing as ...

Dark Alpha's Embrace by Donna Grant

Hot Blooded

He glared at Constantine for long silent moments before Tristan walked up the stairs and shouldered his way between them until he was a few steps above them, then stopped and faced them. “Con, you’re being a wanker. You wanted one of us to get close to Iona so we could determine what she knew, an...

Hot Blooded by Donna Grant

Moon Thrall

Blissful, delightful heaven. Court couldn’t stop touching her, learning her. Skye’s skin was as soft as velvet. The more he touched, the more he needed. She was a drug, and after one kiss, he was addicted. It was everything he could do to keep tight control over the need pounding through him. He ...

Moon Thrall by Donna Grant

The Seduced

“Come in,” she bade and turned to face the door.     He took in her appearance and raised a brow. “You disappeared again.”     “You had things under control.”     Alistair looked at her with the dark eyes of their ancestry and sank into ...

The Seduced by Donna Grant

Dragon King: A Dark Kings Novella (1001 Dark Nights)

It seemed too good to be true to find a place that opened up her creativity and allowed her to get the book written.Of course, she’d only written fifty pages out of four hundred. That wasn’t nearly enough. But it was a great start. If only it hadn’t begun raining harder. It was like someone had t...

Dragon King: A Dark Kings Novella (1001 Dark Nights) by Donna Grant

Smoldering Hunger

She saw no sign of Darius as she carefully picked her way through the snow. Then out of the shadows near the spot where they’d first made love, moved a figure. He stepped into the light of the streetlamp, a smile on his face. “Hello,” she said. “Hello, yourself.” Sophie hurried to him. His arms w...

Smoldering Hunger by Donna Grant

Wild Flame

He nodded to Kane, who stood beside him, knife at the ready. Christian had his own blade, and as soon as the demons turned the corner, he and Kane killed them. That made eight they had killed since coming to Hell. He would gladly gut thousands more if it meant he could find Ivy. The screams were ...

Wild Flame by Donna Grant

Echoes of Magic

He’d expected her to answer with a firm ”never”. Instead, she’d said there was a possibility. It had him reeling. He refused to put himself in the same situation Drogan was in. There was nothing in heaven or on earth that could bond him with a woman who was cursed. He had never thought to have a ...

Echoes of Magic by Donna Grant

The Tempted

He tried going different directions each time, but every dawn he found himself back at the castle hoping for a glimpse of Morvan. He’d stayed at the castle longer than he should have, especially since there seemed to be someone following him. Stefan briefly contemplated waiting for whoever it was...

The Tempted by Donna Grant

Prince of Desire

There was no denying that Mr. MacDonald cared greatly for her and that she returned the emotion. It was a difficult decision she had to make, one that would have to be made very soon. He hated to press her, but he wanted to return to Drahcir as soon as possible. “Isabelle?” Her gaze snapped to hi...

Prince of Desire by Donna Grant

Burning Desire

Whether Kiril remained behind of his own volition or someone had detained him, it all came down to the fact that he hadn’t returned to Dreagan. Con didn’t bother to turn from his place at the window at the sound of the quick knock and the door opening. He wasn’t surprised when four Dragon Kings f...

Burning Desire by Donna Grant

Smoke and Fire: Part 4

Esther was in another cave next to them. “Con is on his way back,” Thorn said as he walked up. Ryder expected as much. “Who called him back?” “No one. Lily was in Paris picking up a gift for Rhys when she learned what happened here. She went to the airfield and took over as pilot.” Ryder didn’t b...

Smoke and Fire: Part 4 by Donna Grant

Prince of Passion

Over four years she’d waited for Keiran, holding onto the prediction Aimery had given her—a prediction that had made her leave Drahcir.  Aimery made her pledge not to tell anyone, not even her family, why she left the magical kingdom. Her family hadn’t understood and had tried everything but tyin...

Prince of Passion by Donna Grant

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