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Read Een Goed Bewaard Geheim (2012)

Een goed bewaard geheim (2012)

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Bruna Uitgevers

Een Goed Bewaard Geheim (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

Hotel chain heir Jack Morrison had had enough of women who were only after him for his money. When his latest money grubbing ex-girlfriend showed up in Las Vegas at the bachelor party of his best friend Dean, whining that they belonged together, and yes it had to do with his billions, Jack realized that with the next girl he met, he wouldn't reveal how rich he was. Why? Because Jack wanted a woman to fall in love with him, not his wallet. Jessie is a single mother working the night shift at the Denny's where Jack and his friends came to sober up before they all continued home. Jack fell in love at first sight with Jessie, with her looks, her charm and her sass. Jack decided then and there that when they got together, Jessie would think he was just a regular guy.Jessie liked Jack, and when he pursued her, she let him. However, she couldn't date him because he wasn't rich. Jessie was looking for a rich man to take care of her and her young son. So, Jack led Jessie to believe he too was a waiter at the local Morrison Hotel, and was a regular guy. Sparks flew, as you would expect, and of course, Jessie fell in love with Jack. But like all lies, the truth does eventually come out. When it does, Jessie feels betrayed and angry. Jack has to make Jessie see the reason why he lied to her about who he really was, not Jack Moore the waiter, but Jack Morrison, the hotel financier. Rest assured, this is a stand alone book, so there is a happy ending, which was a relief, since I've read a few romance novels that are the first in a series, and I HATE not knowing if the couple will wind up together or not.I must say that I really enjoyed this book. The characters were well developed and you understood Jack's reason for not wanting his real identity to be shown until Jessie had truly fallen for him, and you understood Jessie's reasons for not wanting to fall in love with someone who she deemed a "dreamer". She had a small child to raise and dreams don't pay bills. Plus, his father walked out on her when she found out she was pregnant. She didn't want her son to fall for a man who wouldn't stick around when the bills started piling up.Ms. Bybee has got the start of a great series on her hands, all with different characters introduced in this first book. Great read. 4.5 stars. I really enjoyed this book. At first you may think that Jessie is shallow and only looking for money but once you find out about her you see that she is really just looking for someone to take care of her and her son. Jack is such a sweetheart. I loved the relationship he built with Jessie and her son Danny. He was always there for them. I was glad when she finally realized that there was more to a stable relationships than just money. Great book that i will read again and definitely recommend. I can't recall why it isn't a 5 star book for me.

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EE just text me and gave me this book to read for free. Why thank you EE

Arrgh. Fun to read, but.....I need to stop reading so many romances!

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