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Read Expecting The Rancher's Heir (2010)

Expecting the Rancher's Heir (2010)

Online Book

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Expecting The Rancher's Heir (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

Melissa said as she and Rita went over the afternoon reservations.
“I’m so sorry, Ms. Jarrod,” Rita apologized for at least the tenth time. “I don’t know how I could have made that kind of mistake.”
“It’s all right, Rita. These kinds of things happen from time to time,” Melissa assured her. “Just look a little closer next time to make sure there’s an opening at the time requested by the guest.”
Rita was beginning to gain more confidence and improve her managerial skills, and Melissa was hopeful that would continue. She knew the woman was a single mother and needed the job to support herself and her son. She certainly didn’t want to cause Rita any more stress by having to replace her.
“Ready to go?”
Looking up, Melissa smiled at Avery as she entered the Tranquility Spa’s reception area. “Would you mind if we have lunch in the Sky Lounge today?” she asked. “I only have an hour or so before I have to be back.”
“Problems?” Avery asked.
Giving Rita an encouraging smile, Melissa shook her head.

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