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Read Eye Of The Storm

Eye of the Storm

Online Book

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Eye Of The Storm - Plot & Excerpts

I think at the very least you owe me some kind of explanation," Reece demanded, using his best prosecutor's voice. There were times she loathed that voice. And this was one of them.
    They were holed up in two adjoining rooms at the Holiday Inn. Martin was spread out on one of the beds, and Reece was pacing in front of the heavily draped window. Simone had made certain they had rooms facing the front of the hotel on the fourth floor, but despite those precautions, she'd still drawn the drapery.
    No one had followed them here. She'd ensured that, using side roads and evasive tactics the entire journey. But one could never be too cautious. And until she had them safely out of this, she was determined to watch Reece and Martin's backs.
    "I didn't exactly sink the Jag. That one's really on you." He stopped pacing to glare at her, his anger palpable. So much for taunting the lion.
    "I'm sorry. That wasn't funny." "No, it wasn't." He started moving again, back and forth in front of the drapes.

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